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By clicking on Thanks button you can support our cause and help strays with medical aid starts from 49₹

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Together, we can make a lasting difference.


The iconic lines ‘zindagi lambi nahi, badi honi chahiye’ were spoken for a cause just like the one we believe in.With our efforts and intentions, we aim to raising spirits, one smile at a time.Cheers – believes in empowering underprivileged kids with value and a sense of purpose so that they can march out with confidence into the world and live a fulfilling life.We believe every life deserves a celebration. Your participation can be of great value in caring and understanding senior citizens at shelter homes, also sharing with the world the priceless contribution an individual alone can make in their lives; imagine what countless minds and hearts together can do!

The iconic lines ‘zindagi lambi nahi, badi honi chahiye’ were spoken for a cause just like the one we believe in.With our efforts and intentions, we aim to raising spirits, one smile at a time.Cheers – believes in empowering underprivileged kids with value and a sense of purpose so that they can march out with confidence into the world and live a fulfilling life.We believe every life deserves a celebration. Your participation can be of great value in caring and understanding senior citizens at shelter homes, also sharing with the world the priceless contribution an individual alone can make in their lives; imagine what countless minds and hearts together can do!


From first-aid, medical treatments, neutering and operations; we have been blessed to have saved and help feeders, rescuers and mutes across the length and breadth of Mumbai through our medical center.Your support and participation in spreading awareness, encouraging neutering in your locality and rallying for adoption of strays, can inspire both current and future generations to step forward and further the cause.


It’s possible for an happily ever to exist; but first, we must take action to preserve what’s precious.Joining hands together, is the only way to move forward and live in a world where we can thrive and not just survive.We believe that active participation in plantation drives, beach cleaning, waste recycling and sustainable approach in all walks of life, can gain us the advantage, to save our precious planet and ourselves from merely existing in survival mode.

It’s possible for an happily ever to exist; but first, we must take action to preserve what’s precious.Joining hands together, is the only way to move forward and live in a world where we can thrive and not just survive.We believe that active participation in plantation drives, beach cleaning, waste recycling and sustainable approach in all walks of life, can gain us the advantage, to save our precious planet and ourselves from merely existing in survival mode.

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